Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mastering Wedding Etiquette

Today's etiquette question covers a topic that is beginning to bring up heated debate!

Question: How can I tell my guests that children are not allowed?

Answer: The truly proper way to indicate that children are not allowed at your wedding ceremony is to simply not put their names on the invitation.

However, many guests may not be familiar with proper etiquette and will not pick up on the message that their little angels are not invited simply because their name(s) are not on the invitation. In this case, you can:

  • Place a message on your wedding website

  • Provide another piece of stationary with your invitation, not on your invitation, that indicates that a nursery will be provided

  • Provide list of reputable babysitting services

  • Arrange a pizza party or other fun event for the children at a relative's home during the ceremony

  • Or you can simply ask your mother to begin to spread the word to family members.

IF they are allowed to the reception, providing them with their own entertainment table can ease their anxiety. Provide crayons and coloring books, puzzles, playdough, etch a sketches and other age appropriate toys to keep them entertained.

As long as you give your guests ample notice to make necessary arrangements for their children, it should be a wonderful event for all!

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